Who’s better off and who’s worse off four years on from the outbreak of COVID? The financial picture might surprise you

A lot has happened to the economy since COVID struck, and reading the economic tea leaves has become more difficult.

Many of the gains for many Australians in 2020 and 2021 were artificial and didn’t last.

The COVID Supplement temporarily doubled JobSeeker, for example.

JobKeeper paid workers what their employers could not.

As these measures have been unwound, the gains have been unwound, making it more difficult than usual to separate the economic signal from the noise.

But in a study just published in the ANU Centre for Social Policy Research journal POLIS@ANU, we have made an attempt.

We wanted to find out which kinds of households are expected to be financially better off and which are worse off five years on from the outbreak of COVID, comparing 2024 with 2019.

We’ve adjusted incomes for living costs

We have examined incomes after adjusting for changes in living costs.

This means that if a household’s after-tax income increased by 20% but its cost of living also increased by 20%, we have regarded its financial living standard as unchanged.

The tool we used was the ANU PolicyMod model of the Australian tax and transfer system, Australian Bureau of Statistics data on employment, demographics, prices and wages, and government data on tax and payments.

We have also taken account of the income tax cuts and changes to payments that begin next month.

Our estimates for December 2024 are projections based on the assumptions in the budget about incomes and prices.

We find overall living standards increased from 2019 to 2021 but then fell sharply in 2022 with a further small fall in 2023.

Overall living standards were 0.6% lower in December 2023 than in December 2019.

This year they are expected to climb to be 1.3% higher than December 2019.

But it’s an overall picture that glosses over the full story.

Gains for high earners, low earners

The only groups whose living standards grew significantly over the period were households on the very lowest and the very highest incomes.

We divided households into five “quintiles”.

The lowest-income fifth we called Quintile 1.

The highest-income fifth we called Quintile 5.

The Quintile 1 living standard grew 3.5%.

The Quintile 5 living standard grew 2.7%.

In contrast, the living standard of the second-lowest quintile barely grew, and the living standards of the middle and upper-middle quintiles actually fell.

The living standards of middle and upper-middle-income Australians were lower in early 2024 than they had been in 2019.

Low-income households did relatively well partly because their payments were indexed to inflation.

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